Monday, January 5, 2009

Sun Rise

I need to get my butt moving faster in the morning. I woke up at 4:00 so I would have plenty of time to get 24 miles in before church yesterday, but still ended up getting started about 15 minutes later than planned and only got 22 miles in before time to go to church. Oh well, it was still a good run and my last couple miles were pacing in the low 7s - not bad for me after 20 miles. I felt extremely fresh still when we arrived at the finish, and once again wanted to keep going if not for time constraints. Brad met me after the first 4 miles so I had him as company for the majority of the run. I normally like to run solo so I can do my own thing, but it's nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while, plus, Brad and I run at about the same pace.

Although it's sometimes hard to get out the door in the wee hours of the morning, it sure is nice to be running when the sun comes up. I love the feeling of accomplishment knowing that I have ran further than most people ever will - all before they even got out of bed for the day. There is a certain satisfaction that comes from it that I can't really describe. It's not an "I'm better than you" type of thing, but more just a secure sense of self confidence. A rush that keeps me feeling good all day.

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