Sunday, November 2, 2008

Running for Love

Mendy and I had Saturday evening and Sunday to spend alone together without kids this weekend - they went to Meemaw and Peepaw's house. Saturday night we went out for sushi then to see the movie Fireproof (which is a great movie once you look past some not-so-great acting). Sunday morning we decided to run together, which we rarely get the chance to do. She typically runs on Saturday mornings with a group of other girls, and I run long on Sunday mornings. This schedule actually works really well for the boys and our lives, as I'm typically home prior to time to go to church.

She needed to run about 18 miles to keep up with her training for an upcoming marathon we're doing. Due to last weekend's race, I wasn't originally planning on going quite that far, but figured I'd might as well. Although we run at substantially different paces when not together, we stayed side by side throughout the entire run until we hit the college track at the end. It's kinda tough to run slower than what you're used to for an extended period, but I really enjoyed the time together with her this morning. I'm thankful that we can share an interest in running, and that she is who she is. I'm thrilled that we can spend time doing something like this and support each other in our goals - whether they be running or otherwise. It's a great place to be, when selfishness is set aside and loving each other takes priority.

1 comment:

Mendy said...

how sweet you are to write this. I love you and think you are and amazing father, husband, and runner. Thanks for staying with me and going slow that day.