Saturday, December 6, 2008

Itching to Run

I haven't been able to run since last Sunday's 12 mile recovery run after the the Gobbler Grind. Everything felt fine during and even immediately after that day's run, but later in the day I started developing a soreness in the tendons on the back of my left leg below the calf. I don't remember any specific twist, turn, or otherwise damaging event, but the pain developed none-the-less. I've laid off the running all week to give it time to heal as it may simply be from over use, but I'm getting really sick of this. It doesn't hurt anymore to walk around throughout the day, but as soon as I start the running motion is when it kicks in. This past 6 days has been the longest stretch I've gone with zero running in a long time and I really miss it. I'd rather be a little cautious now and let things heal correctly than risk some sort of more serious injury that could have me out for awhile.

This forced week off did help me decide to definitely not run the Fat Ass 50K on January 1st. My early '09 schedule is getting pretty full and I had been debating the merits of trying to squeeze this run in and whether it would be too much to try and be ready for in just a few weeks, and then have time to recover and be ready again for another 50K in February. Without this week for training - the deal is off for that event, which is probably for the better in terms of the long term plan.

I did have some fun this week with some cross training to offset the lack of running. In addition to adding some leg work back into my weight routines, I started swimming. My first day was a total disaster. Kid lessons were being given at the pool so there were a ton of parents (in street clothes) sitting around the pool watching. Needless to say, I felt a bit subconscious walking amongst all the fully clothed people, and even more so as I flailed along the length of pool gasping for air as 10 year olds passed me with ease. My stroke resembled more that of a golden retriever than the dolphin I had anticipated in my mind. The second day went much better - I went early morning so there were no kids and parents, and I was able to gain a little more confidence in my stroke. I am determined more than ever now to become a good swimmer, I'm even going to take a couple of private lessons because I really have no idea how to swim properly. The only down side to going to the pool early morning is the abundance of naked old men in the locker room...

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